Wednesday 6 October 2010

how the openings of most horror films go.

The following is taken from the website

The most important thing that the opening of a film must accomplish is to establish a tone so that the audience fall into the same mood as the film they are watching. It doesn’t have to be a big budget explosive opening in order to grab the audience’s attention and sometimes an over the top opening like this risks upending the structure of the film with a sense of where do we go from here?

Usually the most successful film openings bring a well developed sense of intrigue that will leave you settled into your seat desperate to know more about the story and the characters that are going to occupy your time for the next one and a half to two hours. If it is particularly inventive there will be some dramatic foreshadowing that will enable to hint you at the problems that are going to occur throughout the story.

The Shining

The opening of The Shining is visually outstanding because mood and metaphor is established without us even needing to see a single character’s face. The shot begins by panning through a lake which immediately creates a feeling of disorientation. Then from a birds eye position above the trees we watch a small vehicle make its way along the cliff-top roads. There is a clear sense of the passengers being shown to be quite isolated and as if they are heading into the unknown. Dramatic foreshadowing is then used to good effect as we watch the car move along the edge of the clifftop, a perfect connotation of a family on the edge of a collapse.

The use of sound is also expertly handled and in regards to sound I’d like to make a comparison to a similar opening to the one in the film Shutter Island. Scorsese’s film (which by the way is absolutely fantastic and if you haven’t seen it already then head to your nearest cinema as soon as possible) begins however with a very overbearing soundtrack which distracts from the images on screen.

Opening of horro films.

On Monday 4th October we discussed conventions of horror films in relation to narratives, characters, locations and iconography.

We watched the opening 5 minutes of Jeepers Creepers, Jeepers Creepers 2 and Dead Wood. These are all 15 certificate films that appeal to a teen audience.

From watching these openings I was able to identify conventions such as isolated locations, teenage characters, false scares and threat.

Friday 1 October 2010

preliminary task filming.

We need to film the footage for your preliminary task and download it to the Mac with our group name on the Mac in the media room.

we need to use our storyboards to remind us what shots and angles we have decided to use in certian shots.

Cameras and tripods can be booked out from the LRC for periods of up to 24 hours.

Footage must be saved as a Quicktime movie on the groups desktop ready to be edited during our double lesson on Monday 11th October.


the genre we are basing our preliminary task on this year is horror.
we were all asked to do the following for next Monday's lesson (11th October):

1. Produce a Powerpoint presentation which briefly shows the history of horror films. (The last few slides of your power point should show some research you have carried out into one of 20 of the most famous horror films.)

2. Embed this ppt into your blog using your Slideshare account.

transitions and effects in the footage

We were all shown how to use transitions and effects whilst editing. The best way to find out what these are and how to use them is to use the media room in our study periods and practise.

From camera to Mac.

follow this guide to be able to download footage from the cameras to the Mac.
  1. Plug the power lead into the camera (DC in) and a plug socket.
  2. Connect the camera to the Mac by using the USB lead.
  4. Load i-Movie - this will be in the dock and looks like a star with a video camera in the middle of it!
  5. Create a new project.
  6. Once i-Movie has loaded you can turn the camera on.
  7. Change the camera from movie mode to playback mode and select connect to PC / Printer.
  8. i-Movie will now detect the camera and look for images.
  9. Select the shots you want to import and click on import checked.
  10. Poster images will now be generated.
  11. Select all the poster images (select the first, press the shift key and click on the last to select them all).
  12. Drag these images into the top window - an editing tip will appear but ignore this.
  13. You will be told how much footage and how many clips you have downloaded.

Final cut express (FCE).

final cut express is a video editing programme, it is a defult programme that comes with the mac.

using the cameras.

we went through the basic instructions on using the cameras.

using the correct terminology.

We discussed some of the terminology used to describe camera shots, angles and movements.
and how/when to use them.

planning our preliminary task.

each group was given a storyboard to plan their preliminary task.
we had to enclude the camera angles and movements used in that shot.
we will be able to book out the cameras by next lesson to start the preliminary task.

camera shots and movement

we watched a short clip on camera angles and how/whaen they should be used.
we then watched another short clip explaning the different types of camera movements and when/how they should be used.

introduction to preliminary task

We watched last years preliminary task. Then got into groups of 2 or 3.
We then discussed the camera angles and shots that need to be in our preliminary task.